Burning Power - We Got Grid

Are you tired of all the hassles, inconvenience and expense of providing an Electron Delivery System for your camp?  Are the escalating costs for Gasoline or Diesel fuel eating more and more of your camps budget?  Does your camp want to be more GREEN On-Playa?

Burning Power now offers all Theme Camps the ability to be 'On The Grid', an awesome alternative to hauling your own generator to Black Rock City. 

In past years 'The Project' extended its own Power Grid to all camps within the Center Camp ring and the 3:00 & 9:00 Plaza's.  This was done as a courtesy since power distribution nodes were already in those areas illuminating key BRC infrastructure.

Burning Power now brings the Power Grid to all Theme Camps within BRC. No longer will you need to haul generators & fuel from places far and wide. Burning Power provides an easy way to distribute Electrons to your camps infrastructure, but also to individual RV's or Tent areas.

"Demand for electric power throughout Black Rock City continues to grow dramatically year-over-year,  we need to utilize innovative solutions for electricity distribution to create a more sustainable and pristine Playa environment." Says ScottoBobScotto, CFO of Burning Power.  The cities of Gerlach, Empire and the greater Washoe/Pershing County area, applaud the green initiatives employed by Burning Power.


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From the Exotic to the Erotic

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Playa Dining in Style

- Playa Companion -
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Never Take Trash Home Again

- BRC Transpo -
Getting Your Gear to the Playa Safely

- Playa Defense Fund -
Providing Financial & Legal Assistance For Burners...By Burners

- Scotto Bob Scotto -


Copyright © 2009 - Burning Power