Burning Power - We Got Grid



The April Fool's web sites are an all-year-round project: Coming up with the concepts, getting a web design layout and then starting on the Images and the content.  I could do just One (1) web site a year, but that was so '05-'06.  For 2009 we processed 25 orders and received 10 inquiries for information.  The answer to the question is after (18) Eighteen April Fool's web sites; Can I still get the clueless, can I still make someone think and question the validity of the idea and be unaware of the Date (04/10)....The Answer is YES I Can!!!

I was also responsible for the April Fool's piece on the Burning Man web site which really drew quite a fire-storm.  Please enjoy the comments, accolades and I Got YOU'S!!!!

Gerlach/Empire Nevada get assistance in Securing Economic Stimulus Money
  With Billions of dollars floating around for construction projects, the Burning Man Project has teamed up with the cities of Gerlach & Empire Nevada to stake their claim in the massive highway funds being distributed by the US Government. Support is mounting in the area for a 4 lane Toll Road Bypass for travelers heading North of NV440. During the three week festival season each August these towns are inundated with so called 'Burners'.
  "They appear friendly enough on the outside", says a long-time Gerlach resident. "But they will piss in your yard if you do not keep an eye on them." Sentiments like this from other area home owners has this legislation on the fast-track.
  Currently NV440 winds its way thru the streets of both Gerlach & Empire, the proposal is to construct a bypass that will spare the locals from any Burner intrusions. All vehicles will be required to pay a $20 fee to get to the entrance of the Black Rock Desert. Approx. $.69 of each toll collected will be distributed amongst the locals to compensate for the predicted 34% drop in local sales tax collections. Alternate plans being considered allow for the creation of a Business Loop Frontage Road so local establishments like Bruno's and the Empire General store can remain in business.
Those are great, Scotto, sign me up to the power grid,  that would be a lot easier than running my own gennie in our camp.
Is there any way that extension cords could be used on my Art car ?
I always get gas on my hands when the genny needs refueling and this would take the stink out of my evening cruises.
Excellent services that all of these links provide.
* Applause *
You never fail to fool on April 1! I love the stuff you posted, especially this one! Hilarious!
Best one so far (4 Lane Toll Road)
Oh, so I can bring my dog but not my cat? That's fair. I think we're lacking a bit in equality here... Might want to round up the theme camp leaders for that task. They tend to excel at cat herding.
Once Again Scotto, You have outdone yourself.  I love to marvel at the detail and creativity you infuse into your annual April 1 efforts.  I especially love the Larryvisit because it seems so damn plausible.  By the way did you do the toll road article yourself, or was that part of the SF crowd's contribution?
I was wondering what the BM April Fool's joke was going to be this year.
You burner you
FUCK YEAH ........great work
Nice one - let's see how many you catch this year
So, we have the obvious spoof followed by the "oh my, that can't be -- BUT it is on the Burner website?!"  ---- smooth.  Can you tell I read my posts from the latest down?
So you WILL be having lots of fun today.  I wondered how that first one could be only ONE page....
This is such funny stuff, props to whoever made these sites
This is great.  Who writes this stuff?   I particularly like the playapharm page  : - )
4 lane troll road, more like it - you had me going there (I had a whole tirade begun)...
I put in a reservation at the kennel because MY DOGS SURE GET TIRED !!!!
Scotto! You've done it again!  You've brought smiles to the masses!
LOL! I wanna enter the BRC Olympic Oral Sex event! :)
Greetings Scotto, Nice to see the fun continues for April 1 - hahahahaahahaha
Damn I didn't know I was expected to piss in their yards!?!?!? Guess I should start doing that and maybe have to use my "Indian taco" money for the toll. Yay!! If we make it even more expensive to go to BM, it will finally be the elitist group I can be proud of.
I think that the toll should be $1,000 in order to help keep the "undesirables" out. It gets terribly crowded and noisy at BRC.
I think it should be invite only. I mean, every year there are all these new people who don't have a clue, and they really fuck with my radically inclusive vibe. I mean, I'm all about including everyone I know, but strangers scare me.
Gotta love their commitment to the April fools day!
You hope its an April Fools day joke anyways....it wouldn't surprise me any to see a state reveal this today and expect it to be a joke, and then in a few months when its actually a reality it shocks people cuz they thought it was just a joke and then they get pissed off for having to pay 20 bucks just to get to BRC...I know it would piss me off
Well, Black Rock Resort LLP is actually required to build and maintain these road expansions, if I read the Nevada state assembly press release right.
Here's more info on the soon to be built resort. Honestly sounds exciting...
http://www.blackrockdesertresort.com/index.html  Heh, The Black Rock Resort page has more TM listed then those fools over at the HATE DOME(tm)
4 lane troll road, more like it - you had me going there (I had a whole tirade begun)...
You really had me with the dog one.
I gotta meet you this burn.. You never cease to amaze me with you creativity.
I am voting prank nice one but ridiculous none the less.


More Playa Services

Superior Portable Outdoor Tinkle Stations

- BRCellular -
Bringing the Default World Home

- SBS Consolidated -
A Playa Services Company

- Burning Shade -
Burning Man...Stress Free

 - Playa Beer -
From the Exotic to the Erotic

- Fire Safety Squad -
Never Light Up Alone Again

- Get Crowded -
Got Audience

- Trash Fence Dining -
Playa Dining in Style

- Playa Companion -
Playa Love For a Price

- BRC Condos -
Playa Living in Style

- MOOP Be Gone -
Never Take Trash Home Again

- BRC Transpo -
Getting Your Gear to the Playa Safely

- Playa Defense Fund -
Providing Financial & Legal Assistance For Burners...By Burners

- Scotto Bob Scotto -


Copyright © 2009 - Burning Power